Generations Arena 
Result of 68 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Great: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) Album: Wallpapers - 53 voters (4.34) BAR
(2) Album: GenArena Arsenal - 30 voters (4.30) BAR
(3) Album: Items and Powerups - 27 voters (3.52) BAR
To vote for an image, click on Excellent, Great, Good, Average or Poor. You MUST click on Vote for your vote to be recorded. You can change your votes later, if you wish.
Highlight for Album: GenArena Arsenal
Album: GenArena Arsenal

Every gun known to man or Vadrigar
Last change: 10/15/22
Contains: 5 items.
Last comment 01/12/07.
Viewed: 45649 times.

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Highlight for Album: Items and Powerups
Album: Items and Powerups

Generations Arena Items and Powerups
Last change: 02/27/19
Contains: 6 items.
Last comment 02/11/09.
Viewed: 22627 times.

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Highlight for Album: Maps
Album: Maps

GenArena Maps!
Last change: 12/13/20
Contains: 39 items.
Last comment 04/22/07.
Viewed: 38728 times.

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Highlight for Album: Forum Game Screenshots
Album: Forum Game Screenshots

Screenshots from our weekly forum games!
Last change: 01/28/19
Contains: 3 items.
Last comment 07/29/14.
Viewed: 26501 times.

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Highlight for Album: Wallpapers
Album: Wallpapers

Wallpapers galore!
Last change: 08/11/22
Contains: 34 items.
Last comment 11/24/08.
Viewed: 34003 times.

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Highlight for Album: General Screenshots
Album: General Screenshots

A collection of random stuff from Generations past and present.
Last change: 11/28/21
Contains: 5 items.
Last comment 07/01/14.
Viewed: 14939 times.

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