TDM Pickup Game 8/24/04 
Result of 3 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) Let me help you find inner piece. Haha, you find it across room! - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(2) That red makes nice camo when you're knee deep in the dead! - 1 voter (4.00) BAR
(3) It's beautiful! - 1 voter (4.00) BAR
To vote for an image, click on Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average or Poor. You MUST click on Vote for your vote to be recorded. You can change your votes later, if you wish.
It's bloody business, but we all love to do it!
[800x600] [1024x768]
It's bloody business, but we all love to do it!
Viewed: 4569 times.

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That red makes nice camo when you're knee deep in the dead!
[800x600] [1024x768]
That red makes nice camo when you're knee deep in the dead!
Viewed: 4425 times.

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An unsuspecting Slipgater is going to find things getting a little hot in a moment!
[800x600] [1024x768]
An unsuspecting Slipgater is going to find things getting a little hot in a moment!
Viewed: 4916 times.

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Better make those shots count with that hyperblaster!
[800x600] [1024x768]
Better make those shots count with that hyperblaster!
Viewed: 4309 times.

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The walls are bleeding!
[800x600] [1024x768]
The walls are bleeding!
Viewed: 4322 times.

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So close, yet so far away...
[800x600] [1024x768]
So close, yet so far away...
Viewed: 4419 times.

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Shotgun war!
[800x600] [1024x768]
Shotgun war!
Viewed: 4416 times.

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It's beautiful!
[800x600] [1024x768]
It's beautiful!
Last comment 03/26/06.
Viewed: 4530 times.

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Blue team, blue plasma.  It's kind of a theme.
[800x600] [1024x768]
Blue team, blue plasma. It's kind of a theme.
Viewed: 4686 times.

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