USA Forum Game 12/13/03 
Result of 16 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Great: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) In the buttocks! - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(2) The sad thing is he always manges to rise again. Damn bird! - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(3) You'll have to aim better than that! - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
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Don't leave yet--There's a dem...err, Slipgater around that corner!
[800x600] [1024x768]
Don't leave yet--There's a dem...err, Slipgater around that corner!
Last comment 04/08/05.
Viewed: 6258 times.

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First you lay the kindling.
[800x600] [1024x768]
First you lay the kindling.
Viewed: 5485 times.

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Then you start the barbeque.
[800x600] [1024x768]
Then you start the barbeque.
Last comment 03/26/06.
Viewed: 5353 times.

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This is your brain on Gen. Any questions?
[800x600] [1024x768]
This is your brain on Gen. Any questions?
Last comment 12/14/03.
Viewed: 5463 times.

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It's raining rockets!
[800x600] [1024x768]
It's raining rockets!
Last comment 12/14/03.
Viewed: 5364 times.

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Who's that man with the smooth blue glow? 

[800x600] [1024x768]
Who's that man with the smooth blue glow?

Viewed: 5458 times.

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NOOO! SARGE! Don't drop the soap!
[800x600] [1024x768]
NOOO! SARGE! Don't drop the soap!
Viewed: 5571 times.

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You'll have to aim better than that!
[800x600] [1024x768]
You'll have to aim better than that!
Last comment 02/06/04.
Viewed: 5574 times.

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[800x600] [1024x768]
Last comment 12/14/03.
Viewed: 5330 times.

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